Why digital Employment Records? Can these records make ex-employment verification faster (instant)? What will it take for organizations to issue these employment records? Can digital employment records help in reducing false claims or fraud?
The above are a few of the many questions that we at OnGrid encounter on a periodic basis! Fraudulent or counterfeit past experience is one of the problems that has plagued the recruiters and human resource managers alike. According to a 2020 study, discrepant employment claims accounted for more than 20 percent of all background verification failures across various sectors and the workforce.
The above figures are alarming and could be fatal to an organization’s reputation, productivity, data security. One team member with discrepant employment history can single-handedly damage an organization, the impact of which is sometimes irreversible!
Verification of ex-employment records in many geographies across the globe requires sending emails and reminders to HR teams, a highly sub-optimal process that can even take up to 3 weeks.
To tackle the above issue and to ensure the accountability of employees, OnGrid’s eLockr presents a simple but elegant solution.
What is eLockr?
eLockr is an HR 2.0 solution where an organization can write or issue employment credentials of its ex-empoyees, that can be verified instantly and digitally by new employers or service providers, thus eliminating any scope for fraud by a person claiming to have been employed with the organization earlier. Employment records can be written at the time of deboarding of an employee or contractor.
A very basic employment record will comprise of:
- Writing organization name
- Employee name`
- Employee/Staff ID
- Date of joining
- Last working date
- Last designation
- Last city/location
In addition to this basic information (which the employee can also see on his/her mobile device), each exit record can have a set of machine-readable reference tags. These tags can be related to facts or performance or behavioral aspects and can form the part of digital response to the requestors or readers on eLockr.
In the long run, eLockr will also empower the ex-employees to get their authentic employment records verified anytime, anywhere, with complete consent and control. They can choose to share their ex-employment records with a new employer or service provider, and also lock access to their ex-employment records.
How does it work?
Using eLockr would be extremely simple for HR executives and managers. Just “Write” when somebody leaves your organization, and “Read” when someone joins. The “writing” and “reading” can be done using the eLockr portal, or via a spreadsheet. Organizations can also integrate eLockr API’s in their onboarding and deboarding systems.

The vision of eLockr is parallel to the future of human resource management and hiring! To be a part of this vision, all you have to do is write to partner@elockr.io or book a demo now.
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