Issue documents to ex-employees using eLockr

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Imagine if you could access all your digitally verifiable documents (eg. experience letters, payslips, etc.) issued by all your ex-employers at one single place, accessible by logging in using email-OTP or mobile number-OTP. 

It is now possible if your organization’s HR team starts using the free (complimentary) platform eLockr.  

Credential issuance to parting employees has been a heavily underrated and under-discussed topic. Maintaining and issuing exit records, although might sound simple, is plagued by challenges.

What are the problems an HR team can encounter while issuing exit credentials like experience letters or service certificates?

  • They can be forged / tampered, and anyone can claim to be an ex-employee. 
  • The documents can be lost. Leading to repeated requests to the HR department to re-send the documents. An ex-employee may need those documents multiple times in their lifetime. 
  • If you have a large workforce, the HRMS platform subscription charges can be very high.
  • If you are a small organization that uses Google docs or MS-word to issue the documents, the trackability will be an issue. It will be difficult to track what documents have been issued, to which employee, and at what point of time.

eLockr is a digital locker for HR teams, and solves all of the problems above. Verifiable and tamper-proof credentials, documents, experience certificates, etc. can be issued in eLockr, free of cost, and will be available to ex-employees for life. They can log into eLockr anytime using their mobile / email and OTP. 

These credentials and documents can be verified instantly with electronic consent of the ex-employee leading to higher privacy compliance. 

For HR leaders, a huge benefit is that they can automate and outsource their ex-employee verification processes. No more hassle of responding to ex-employee verification request emails. 

eLockr can also be used to conduct anonymous surveys of ex-employees, get your percentile on 8 key HR experience parameters such as “Relationship with manager”, “Work life Balance”, etc. and derive actionable attrition insights. 

Process to issue experience certificates on eLockr:

  1. Register for an eLockr demo
  2. Our team will help you register on the eLockr platform as an issuer (i.e. as a writer) 
  3. Configure the company logo, address, authorized signatory name/designations, etc.
  4. Update credential details – ex-employee name, staff ID, designation, tenure, etc. An excel sheet can also be uploaded to issue in bulk for all legacy ex-employees.
  5. The ex-employee will get an email and SMS notification to login to eLockr, and can access the document.

Now, let’s assume there was an error in the details, or a mistake in the spelling. What to do then? Simply update the correct details and hit save. Voila! The document is updated and reissued, leaving no ground for confusion.

eLockr is a complementary platform that simplifies your exit management process, and issues privacy-friendly credentials and documents using cutting-edge technology of the future. To get a demo on eLockr and to start issuing documents, write to or book a demo now!

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